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Longing & Belonging, 2014 Ingo Seufert Gallery for Contemporary Art 

"Ina Otzko is a Nor­we­gian artist who tra­vels the world to explore the dif­fe­ren­ces bet­ween cul­tures, and to observe the mani­fold prac­tices and beliefs of human nature. In her art, she expres­ses both an intui­tive and ratio­nal curio­sity, in which her search for rea­so­ned belief chal­len­ges her inte­grity to feel. The resul­ting ten­si­ons that emerge are exem­pli­fied by her ongo­ing series of pho­to­graphs, INTERIORS. In her solo exhi­bi­tion at the recently opened Ingo Seu­fert Gal­lery, Munich, Otzko has selected three groups of images from these series, taken in India and Italy. Her focus is to expose facets resul­ting from the con­flic­tual urges of Belon­ging and Lon­ging that are wit­hin each of us. This struggle is an ine­vi­ta­ble jolt of life, since the human soul seems to require a com­fort of Belon­ging, which runs con­trary to its Lon­ging to sur­pass its­elf, to go beyond its exis­ting expe­ri­en­ces."

Geor­gina Tur­ner

Longing & Belonging

"Home is my physical body. Home is nature, Earth. The feeling of home is something different. It's an exchange of unconditional love between human beings. It's a belonging that creates a longing for time to slow down, so you can stay home just a little longer." (Ina Otzko) 

Longing & Belonging, 3 photographs 50 x 70 cm on aluminium  Purchased in 2017 for permanent installation at Polarsirkelen Videregående skole 2019. Nordland County Council. Curator: Ingunn Milly Hansen

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