BE IN THE MOMENT Breathe in - Breathe out
Raindrops on the tin roof.
What do they say?
We have all
Been here before.
-Wendell Berry
IO Ram is founded by Ina Otzko and is registered in The Brønnøysund Register Centre / Nr. 925346942
Ina Otzko is member of Yoga Alliance and Norsk Yogalærerforbund. Charwoman for Norsk Yogalærerforbund 2023-2024.
2024 300 Hrs YTT, Currently in completion / (Yoga Alliance) My Vinyasa Practice
2021/2022 Deep Listening II, Certified Practitioner / The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer, NY
2020 Deep Listening I / The Center for Deep Listening at Rensselaer, NY
2020 Certified Course leader - Worry management / Sertifisert Kursleder i bekymringsmestring
Kurset er godkjent som 35 t vedlikeholdsaktivitet av spesialiteten av Norsk Psykologforening. Kursholder Serina Pedersen Vorland, Psykolog.
2018 50 Hrs Yin Yoga TT (Yoga Alliance) Ashiyana Yoga School, Goa, India
2016 Detox Therapist TCM / Tunsberg Medical School, Tønsberg, Norway
2015 Detox / Tunsberg Medical School, Tønsberg, Norway
2014 Usui Reiki Teacher (Aseema Gjestad, Stavanger, Norway)
2012 Medicine Foundation Course / Grunnmedisin (Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology) / Tunsberg Medical School /HiNT nord-Trøndelag University College, Norway
2012 200 Hrs YTT (Yoga Alliance) Ashiyana Yoga School, Goa, India
2001 Usui Reiki I-III Master (Aseema Gjestad, Stavanger, Norway)